Home > Artworks > rosa elias la gata roja

Photo of rosa elias la gata roja Mexico

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I\'ve been thinking about my painting as a manifesto and indeed

definitely inspired my work is not only in the neo-surrealist movement properly speaking, but in a very particular movement, very personal ... the surreality of my mind in fact, sometimes coupled with the weight of reality,...

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0.51 x 23.62 in
15.75 x 15.75 in
19.69 x 19.69 in
33.46 x 23.62 in
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I\'ve been thinking about my painting as a manifesto and indeed

definitely inspired my work is not only in the neo-surrealist movement properly speaking, but in a very particular movement, very personal ... the surreality of my mind in fact, sometimes coupled with the weight of reality, so also my painting is wrapped in symbolism realism through sometimes haunting, or sometimes reported as fully exposed to certain situations based on my feeling and opinion, not only significantly exposed, but as a being, an individual, a woman belonging to a world I can not escape ...

An example is shown in my work known as the Sore.

Clear example of neo-surrealism symbolic claim to engage the viewer and my own soul, is how to reread each time you start a play not only more but when I look at it constantly, the observed and analyzed.

Explained. Taking again the example above such work, hardly an area as barren as a desert would be in consequence of such Being naturally difficulty a clearly marked by dryness and infertility, moisture and bleeding ... much less would be in place for a small waterhole, or oasis among the dunes or dry plains, a wound that never seems to close.

But the symbolism is unmistakable, surreal environment but symbolic meaning,, that therefore a real complaint:

The dead women of Juarez and the impossibility of stopping such infamy.,

Now let\'s talk about the Three Witches with White Snake.

Hence if the magic of surrealism is total.

But there is also a surrealism suffering I want to share, translate, as a white heart could not obviously clinically bleeding, symbolically dead, frozen .. yet vital fluid poured abano a fetus

offering a reality, or at least a possibility of life (the children never really die), such as in the work Frostwolf Heart ... because it is not intended, nor shall denunciation is to show the subconscious. E s something as real as the pain of losing the ability to see the birth of your child.


I guess
natural it is to talk about my feelings and experiences, nothing more difficult in a being that reinvents day day, but at least try: Well my name is Rosa Margarita Elias Mass, but I prefer to call the cat red serve pa
you and the art, my great fondness.

I\'m Mexican native of Mexico, born on the streets of Marseille but raised throughout my childhood and adolescence in my beloved Coyoacan in that memorable year of 57 historic for many reasons not for me to mention here. Self-taught, although very young I took classes at
continuing education, so to speak,
painting. In addition, always saw me surrounded by spirits and virtues
art in my childhood home and people they visited, which made the delights of training currently treasure and appreciate greatly, and therefore time if he had abandoned, since art has always been in me, apparently the child brushes were gone but now I realize that life needed to be, forgive the repetition, to be lived to recognize my own need for expression.

However, the revaluation of myself makes
few years of my environment in all or almost all levels, made me
decide to get rid of several bundles and stay to find out how
\"Out\" so to speak everything in me, psychologically important figure in anyone intend and feel self-respecting life as authentically as possible, showing through my humble work frustrations
joys, hopes, sensitivity, encouragement of humanity, and when the value and the very possibility of life I may also be judge well
as part of my surroundings and creates. Not that I\'m focused on
rebirth, because of what I\'ve been and lived is history
fundamental part of the existence of being. But now I return to
continuity of this woman-cat you want to put aside the fear of
tested and provided for, hopefully, good for those who live with and around this crazy mind that feels that life in a dream, not only magical, but not inconceivable be experienced to the core.

My life is summed up in that I am an entity that wishes to live by
to its essence and belief and that is his dearest wish to share
Through my paintings and other experiments others ... and if I return, which is converted into a ghost ...
the red cat


I have frankly, is really low ... maybe because I was not yet ready to show my work to another level. I believe in discipline and time to be given things, that is final.

However I can say I have over ten years painting and formally disciplined.

He stated perhaps twice as many do at the beginning: the first time

Art in the passage Alvaro Obregon street in the Colonia Roma Mexico City

in the Parque de la Bombilla in San Angel, about eight years.

In my work has mostly been acquired by persons directly either by recommendation or by the mere chance of identifying with it.

For a while Ms. Raquel Misrachi did me the honor of representing.

Thank you very much for your kind attention.

the red cat

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